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Now Available! US Route 4 Corridor Study Inter-Municipal Update: Final Concept Report and Appendices
Previous Studies and Documents
Route 4 Corridor Study – Town of East Greenbush (2006)
The Route 4 Corridor Study (2006) for the Town of East Greenbush was prepared in partnership with Capital District Transportation Committee. The Study Area focused on a four-mile corridor along U.S. Route 4 starting at the north end, at NY Route 43, and going south to U.S. Route 9 and 20. The Route 4 Corridor Study aimed to create a framework for potential transportation improvements and local land management to accomplish the Town’s land-use and transportation vision and goals. The study combines information on existing conditions, traffic forecasting, and future land use development assumptions to create a Route 4 Corridor Transportation Plan that highlights recommendations for the study area. The following is a summary of relevant recommendations from the study:
Any additional future development may trigger the need for additional roadway capacity from Route 43 to Third Avenue Extension or other approaches to reduce delay. Accordingly, NYSDOT should continue to require coordinated developer mitigation between the Towns of East and North Greenbush for any new development relative to the future capacity needs of this roadway segment.
A shorter-term recommended action is to coordinate the traffic signals in this segment of Route 4 to address existing and future congestion.
In the longer term a roundabout at Third Avenue Extension should be considered in conjunction with any future development plans for this area after further careful analysis. The Bloomingrove Drive/Rte. 4 intersection was identified as a location of concern meriting further attention.
Any newly developed or re-developed sites should be required to provide inter-parcel connections, and other appropriate access management treatments such as consolidated or limited site driveways and interior site access for pedestrians linked to Route 4 sidewalks.
With respect to supporting transit use in the corridor, sidewalks should be expanded around existing bus stop locations to provide adequate waiting areas. Such waiting areas should also include benches.
The Town of East Greenbush should consider modifying the alignment of the Thompson Hill Road intersection with Route 4 to make it a “T” intersection or restrict access to right-in/right-out only.
New development or redevelopment should include site designs that minimize walking distances to Route 4. By placing parking to the side and/or rear of buildings, orienting buildings to the street, and minimizing driveway length appropriately while providing safe pedestrian connections, the use of transit will be supported and more attractive.
Town of East Greenbush Comprehensive Plan (2021)
The Town’s most recent update to its Comprehensive Plan was initiated in 2019 and adopted in May, 2021. In addition to providing an overview of existing conditions within the Town, the plan offers recommendations and provides a roadmap to the future development of East Greenbush. The Comprehensive Plan identifies US Route 4 as a priority corridor within the Town and sets forth a variety of targeted recommendations related to placemaking as well as transportation and mobility:
Establish a town center area at the U.S. Route 9 and 20 and U.S. Route 4 junction that is walkable and connected to neighborhoods where residents and visitors can shop, eat and congregate.
Focus commercial development around key nodes along the Columbia Turnpike and Route 4 and ensure pedestrian and bicycle connections to those areas.
Create walkable nodes with unique, identifiable character that have access to services, housing and commercial establishments.
Integrate public art into streetscape improvements (e.g., light poles, gateway signage, bus shelters, etc.) where appropriate.
Identify and develop new Town-wide connections to help alleviate traffic pressures along Route 4 and connect the Town’s major nodes and destinations.
Work with CDTA to evaluate existing service levels and routes and expand public transit options along Route 9 and 20 and Route 4 to help alleviate traffic, connect neighborhoods and offer transportation alternatives for residents.
Continue to identify and infill missing sidewalk gaps and provide new sidewalk connections, particularly along Columbia Turnpike and Route 4…
Use traffic calming measures to encourage walking and biking and improve safety (e.g., landscape medians, pavement treatments, bike lanes, or sharrows, street trees and planters), and provide alternatives for pedestrians including trails, sidewalks, and appropriate road crossings at intersections.
Town of East Greenbush Zoning Code (existing 2008)
The Comprehensive Zoning Law of the Town of East Greenbush (2008) was adopted by the Town on June 11, 2008. As of 2022, the Town is currently in the process of updating the zoning code. The Zoning Code describes the Town’s zoning districts, town-wide zoning standards, and general administration details. The Town’s Zoning Law explicitly highlights transportation as one of the key purposes for dividing zoning districts throughout the Town:
To improve transportation facilities and traffic circulation, and to provide adequate off-street parking and loading facilities.
The following is a summary of the zoning districts found along Route 4 and the zone’s designated intent:
Planned Development District (PDD): The Planned Development District is intended to encourage creative, compact development while fostering community amenities such as a usable open space system for residents and nearby neighborhoods throughout the town. Approved Planned Development Districts will address the unique environmental, physical and cultural resources of the project area and neighborhood through a customized, site specific master plan and accompanying regulatory framework.
General Business District (B-2): The intent of the B-2 district is to provide contained areas for low to medium-density commercial highway development along the traveled corridors which permits uses which would otherwise not be appropriate for the more pedestrian oriented B-1 and residential districts.
Residential Buffer District (R-B): The purpose of the R-B district is to support low-density residential, agricultural, rural, and open space uses and serve as a transition from the medium-density neighborhoods of East Greenbush to the more rural areas of town.
Corporate Office Only District (O): The Corporate Office Only District is intended to encourage a grouping of office uses, easily accessible by major roads, built to a high standard and primarily intended for corporate office centers and office buildings.
Corporate Office/ Regional Commercial District (OC): The Corporate Office/ Regional Commercial District is intended to permit and encourage a grouping of office and commercial uses, easily accessible by major roads, and built to a high standard. The intended uses include corporate office centers, tourist accommodations, convention centers, and regional-level commercial uses such as a regional shopping center. The regulations are designed to encourage large scale campus-type developments, and to discourage a strip form of development.
Town of East Greenbush Zoning Code (Update)
The Town recently completed and adopted its 2021 Comprehensive Plan. The 2021 Plan sets forth an updated direction that is reflective of today’s community conditions and a vision for the future of East Greenbush. The Comprehensive Plan provides a future framework for a range of topics such as land use, economic development, infrastructure, transportation, neighborhoods, the environment and housing.
The next step is for the Town to update the land use regulations and zoning.
The Zoning is being updated by the Town of East Greenbush and a consultant team led by MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, and supported by Plan and Site Consulting, LLC
Visit the project page to stay up-to-date on the latest information and public engagement activities related to the Zoning Update.
Western East Greenbush Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (2009)
A Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Western East Greenbush (2009) was adopted by the Town of East Greenbush. The FGEIS acknowledges that planning efforts will be required along the Route 4 Corridor as growth pressures continue within the Town. The FGEIS includes several recommendations traffic mitigation recommendations for major transportation arteries in the Town, including the Route 4 Corridor study area. The FGEIS highlights that higher than desired travel speeds and safety are major issues in this area. The recommendations were created to address concerns that motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders and operators share.
Coordinate the Wal-Mart traffic signal with the existing traffic signals along Route 4 north of Wal-Mart to Route 43 in North Greenbush.
Install WALK/DON’T WALK count down signals at the Route 4/Wal-Mart signalized intersection crosswalks.
Install ―street print for flush median between Third Avenue Extension and Empire Drive.
Provide for a continuous raised median between Empire Drive and Mannix Road; explore narrowing of roadway north of Mannix Road.
Narrow travel lanes, if possible.
Install a 5 foot bike lane along Route 4 in each direction.
Install sidewalks with ADA-compliant ramps on both sides of Route 4.
Provide additional landscaping on each side of Route 4 to calm traffic speeds, where possible.
New development or redevelopment should provide pedestrian access, including pedestrian paths on-site. Cost shall be incurred by the affected developers alone and is not included in the improvement costs shown in this report.
In conjunction with the addition of sidewalks, paired bus stop installation should be considered where there are signalized crosswalks. Ideally, bus stops should include an expanded sidewalk pad to accommodate the installation of benches and/or shelters.
Install a 2-lane roundabout with appropriate landscaping, signage, lighting, provisions for pedestrians and transit stops, and medians at the US Route 4 and Mannix Road Intersection.
Install a 2-lane roundabout with appropriate landscaping, signage, lighting, provisions for pedestrians and transit stops, and medians at the US Route 4 and 3rdAvenue Ext. (NYS Route 915E) Intersection.
Consider modifying the alignment of the Thompson Hill Road intersection with Route 4 to make it a ―T‖ intersection or restrict access to right-in/right-out only.
Provide support for increasing transit service levels on this major corridor as a long-term traffic mitigation strategy by insuring that all development and redevelopment proposals specifically consider pedestrian and transit access at the site plan level.
Town of East Greenbush Complete Streets Policy (2019)
A Complete Streets policy for the Town of East Greenbush was adopted by the Town Board in November, 2019. Supported by section 331 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, which encourages municipalities to consider Complete Streets design features in all phases of local transportation projects, the Town’s policy states that
[t]he appropriate Town Departments, including Planning and Zoning, and Public Works shall consider the safe and efficient accommodation of bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users, and those involved in goods movement in all new street construction and street reconstruction undertaken by the Town of East Greenbush.
The Town’s adopted policy formally recognized pedestrians and cyclists as equally important to motorists in street planning and design, and established safe and convenient access for all roadway users as its fundamental goal. Anticipated benefits of Complete Streets implementation include increased capacity and efficiency of the road network, reduced traffic congestion, increased safety and accessibility of the network, limiting greenhouse gas emissions and improving general quality of life.
Key elements of the adopted resolution include:
The Town should coordinate with CDTA while consider Complete Streets improvements. Providing residents and employees with safe access to and from transit stops shall be considered in relevant locations.
Traffic calming applications help to physically or psychologically calm motor vehicle traffic behaviors thereby aiding in the development of a safe environment for bicycle and pedestrian travel.
To administer this Policy, the Director of Planning and Zoning will develop implementation strategies, which may include a Complete Streets Checklist, and the Director of Planning and Zoning and Commissioner of Public Works will use these strategies to evaluate all public transportation projects.
Town of North Greenbush Comprehensive Plan (2009)
The primary purpose of the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of North Greenbush (adopted 2009) was to provide a framework for future investment and decision-making in the community. The Plan articulates an overall vision for the Town and the means to achieve the objectives set forth.
The Comprehensive Plan contains information on existing conditions within the Town, including the condition of the transportation network. US Route 4 is identified as the Town’s major north-south route, linking the cities of Troy and Rensselaer and beyond. Exit 8 on Interstate 90 provides access to Defreestville and US Route 4. According to NYS Department of Transportation figures, the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) on the section of US Route 4 from State Route 43 to Winter Street Extension/County Road 74 was 15,232. Citing data from the 2000 Census, an analysis of commuter patterns in the Town showed that nearly three-quarters (74.9%) of the North Greenbush resident labor force had commute times under twenty-five (25) minutes – a significantly higher percentage than for residents of Rensselaer County or New York State, as a whole.
The Policy & Implementation chapter of the Comprehensive Plan includes actions and objectives related to Transportation & Mobility and Land Use, many of which pertain to the US Route 4 Corridor. Examples of these actions and objectives include:
Create multi-modal transportation opportunities along Route 4 and manage access to better serve the residential and commercial properties in the Town…
Adjust the intersections of pedestrian, bicycle and motorized traffic, especially in heavily traveled areas, to ensure the safety of each of these modes of transportation.
Encourage the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to advance the Route 4 and I-90 Connector project…
Encourage mixed-use areas in the hamlets and along Route 4 to provide a rich diversity of housing and small commercial venues…
Town of North Greenbush Route 4 Design Guidelines (2016)
The Route 4 Design Area in North Greenbush is intended to implement the goals and objectives of the Town of North
Greenbush Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2009. The Design Guidelines are intended to serve as a template for
the application of specified design principles in order to achieve a desired form and appearance of development.
The general design pattern for the Route 4 corridor is to create a walkable, highly integrated, multi-functional public
and private spaces, through a network of connected streets, sidewalks, and uses. Structures in the Route 4 Design Area
are encouraged to have two to three stories with a vertical mix of uses.
Carver Court Residential Development Traffic Impact Evaluation (2021)
A traffic impact evaluation was conducted in 2021 for Carver Court, a proposed 110-lot single-family residential development whose primary access road is projected to intersect with Upper Mannix Road just east of US Route 4 in the Town of East Greenbush. The development, which is slated for completion by 2026, is expected to generate 111 new vehicle trips during the PM peak hour and 83 trips during the AM peak hour, according to the traffic impact evaluation. Traffic volume data collected in February 2021 showed that Upper Mannix Road served approximately 870 vehicles per day near the proposed site. The evaluation noted that there are no sidewalks on Upper Mannix Road – requiring pedestrians and cyclists to share the road with motor vehicles – and the nearest public transit stop is located roughly one mile northwest of the proposed project site, at the Walmart Supercenter on US Route 4.
This plan was developed to provide a safe space for walking and bicycling, protect the environment, improve quality of life, conserve energy, and promote tourism and economic development. The overall goal of the plan is to develop an updated vision for a seamless regional transportation network that connects cities, towns, and villages throughout the Capital District.
Relevant Recommendations:
Identify the economic benefits of a local trail system and project how these benefits might affect the Capital District as part of an expanded network.
Provide trail connections with areas of concentrated residential and business activity to help support commuting travel.
CDTC Regional Freight Plan (2016)
The Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC), the metropolitan planning organization for the four counties of New York’s capital region – Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady – undertook a Freight and Goods Movement Study to better understand the role and profile of freight transportation throughout the region. The resulting Regional Freight and Goods Movement Plan provides a snapshot of conditions for multiple freight modes – i.e., truck, rail, water, air, and pipeline – in the Capital District and identifies gaps to be addressed through near- and long-term capital investments and policy initiatives.
The predominant freight mode within the US Route 4 Corridor study area is truck freight. The CDTC Regional Freight and Goods Movement Plan notes that when freight moves via truck, it affects roadway safety, bridge and pavement condition, congestion, and community quality of life. It is vital for local governments to work cooperatively at a regional level to promote a safe and effective regional road network.
The Regional Freight Plan includes defined typologies of freight routes and freight-related land uses. Also included are suggested regulatory and planning tools for local governments to consider when addressing freight-related activities within their respective jurisdictions:
Regulatory Tools
Road Use Agreements
Local Truck Routes
Community Benefit Agreements
Zoning-Freight Overlay Districts
Light and Noise Pollution Controls
Special Tax Districts
Planning Tools
• Freight Related Traffic Impact Analysis
• Off-Peak Delivery Programs
• Vegetated Buffer Zones
• Freight Clusters
• Collaborative Crossing Improvements
• Freight Priority Network-Centric Growth
• Industrial Infill Incentives
• Delivery Consolidation Programs
• Context-Sensitive Design Specifications
US Route 4 Community Survey
As part of the public engagement component of the US Route 4 Corridor Study Inter-municipal Update, an online survey was developed. The survey sought to gather valuable insights and opinions from residents, employees and community members to help inform the study's findings. Participants were asked to provide their perspectives on various aspects related to the US Route 4 Corridor, including transportation options, traffic management, economic development opportunities, safety measures, and the creation of a well-integrated transportation network.